The Story

The Story of

JAEGER Engineering

JAEGER Engineering is a german high-tech company founded in 2009. Looking for new solutions and innovation Jaeger Engineering is a leader in the field of automation. To Expand in the rising european market, ROKAE has partnered with JAEGER Engineering to conquer and develop the european robot market and find new solutions for a changing working place. JAEGER takes care of all customers and partners to give you the best service.

The Story of

ROKAE Robotics

ROKAE Robotics is a global leader in the field of light-weight robots. Founded in 2015, ROKAE is committed to developing and innovating next-generation flexible robots, light-weight industrial robots, and high-end intelligent equipment. Not only they are the number one in multiple vertical markets in China, their business covers a dozen countries across the world, including the European Union, USA, Russia, Japan and Korea.

Get In Touch

Jaeger Engineering GmbH


JAEGER engineering GmbH 

Gewerbestr. 8 

78126 Königsfeld 

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